KYRIN Capital offers the following Venture Capital /
Private Equity & CFO Services:

1. Private Equity Services to Informal Investors / HNWI’s / FAMILY OFFICES/ Funds

• Origination & offering screened Quality Deal Flow & arranging investments
• Offering to participate in screened Club Deals jointly with other Informal Investors / HNWI’s
• Investments (valuation & due diligence & execution & negotiation term sheet and legal documentation till closing)
• Active Investment management of portfolio company till company sale and/or of your entire investment portfolio till exit - optimizing maximum financial return
• Fund Management: managing investment fund and/or investments incl. acting as investor representative / board seats
• Exits / Sale investments

2. CFO and M&A Services to Business Owners:

Part time CFO, Interim Management

• Full Financial Management – part time CFO
• Consulting to prepare company for future sale within next 1-3 years - optimizing maximum financial return
• Hands on company work building a company & formulating new growth strategies as part time (interim) cfo and raising capital from
investors for next company phase
• Hands on professionalize finance function portfolio companies including company restructuring and (re)-financing as part time (interim) cfo

Mergers & Acquisition Services (M&A) – Company Sale / Acquisition of a company

Full Deal Process M&A transactions
• Investor Marketing Materials
• Initiating & Leading talks with Investors / Buyers
• Negotiation term sheet & legal documentation till closing
• Management Buy Outs / Management Buy Ins / Carve Outs

3. Private Equity Services to Scale-ups / Fast growing companies

• Advising on Fund Raising Strategy & Execution equity fund raising (Series A, B, C till exit)

• KYRIN Capital works typically with high potential growth companies with sound business models that are in need of growth capital:
- Proven Business Model - Already existing Revenues - Experienced Management Team
-Typically seeking in excess of EUR 2M - EUR 10M in funding (up to EUR 50M+)

Sector experience in Western & Asian markets is rather broad and concerns amongst others (but not limited to):

• Technology
• Impact Investing
• Retail & Consumer Goods
• Luxury Goods & Lifestyle & Fashion
• Hospitality & Hotel Industry - Real Estate
• Manufacturing

0 Years in Business
0 Clients & Partners
0 Million Investment Deals

We partner with international companies that lead their industries.

Quote of Wisdom

De verkoop van een bedrijf is een unieke en doorgaans eenmalige gebeurtenis. Het is een proces dat voorbereiding, expertise en excellente onderhandelingsvaardigheden vereist. Kyrin Capital staat ondernemers bij tijdens de verkoop van hun bedrijf, hetgeen een intensief traject is. Kyrin Capital assisteert u met de voorbereidingen, adviseert, voert gesprekken met kopers / investeerders en onderhandelt met als doel een financieel aantrekkelijk verkoop resultaat.

Voorbereiden bedrijfsverkoop en verkoopklaar maken